Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Seam Ripper Anyone?

These past few weeks has had me busy ripping seams. I have had to replace a zipper, take in 3 tops & sleeves, plus hemming more pants. Taking apart a Nike jacket to replace the zipper took me over 3 hours. I feel like I have a close relationship with my seam ripper. Rip-it, rip-it, rip-it is how it goes. I think I need to get a new seam ripper as the 4 I have all seem to be dull. All of my personal sewing is on hold at this time. I've also been busy making pillowcases, Christmas stockings & ornaments for ASG projects. Our ASG chapter is having its' annual fund raiser by having 2 craft fair booths in November. This is a busy, busy time of the year. Happy Sewing!


webbsway said...

Marty, I had to laugh at your post because I thought I was the best "RIP-IT, RIP-IT - operator in town! I know my way around a rip-it! LOL I think it is nice to have some company in my craft. ~smile~

Love your post!

Becky Ware said...

AMEN! I have dulled several seam rippers myself! To resharpen them, I fold used aluminum foil several layers thick and poke it through, over and over again. It really does seem to sharpen them very well! Cutting aluminum foil resharpens scissors as well. We sound like a bunch of frogs, just instead of ribbit, we rip-it!Happy rip-it-ing! LOL!